Mice Tour Package Leisure N More - Uttar Pradesh - Travel services, transportation services, Uttar Pradesh - 3175261


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Mice Tour Package Leisure N More - Travel services, transportation services

Ref. number: 3175261 Updated: 12-12-2024 13:56

Offering: Travel services, transportation services in India, Uttar Pradesh

At Leisure N More, we take care of all aspects of planning, booking and facilitating events and conducting Seminars and Conferences. Our team of experienced professionals can help you choose from a range of multiple locations, both domestic and international, and are well-equipped to assistyou in selecting niche destinations for conducting Meetings, Events and Product launches. We understand the importance of gifting incentive tours to top personnel of major corporates, and can help with planning tours which willcontribute towards increasing the efficiency and productivity of star employees.

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Contact information
First name: Leisure N More
Last name: Travel Services LLP
Phone number: +91-7531987990
Mobile number: 7840009996
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